Secure for the Season: A Year-End Insurance Checklist

As we approach 2024, take charge with this comprehensive insurance checklist to ensure a secure start to the New Year!

Review Your Policies

It might sound simple, but when was the last time you gave your home, auto, life, or disability insurance policies a checkup? If you’re unsure where to find them, it’s time to locate these vital documents. This annual ritual is a permanent fixture on the insurance checklist.

Don’t Miss Open Enrollment 

Running from November 15 to the year’s end (may vary by employer), Open Enrollment is your chance to tweak health insurance and employee benefits or enroll in new plans. If your employer’s offerings don’t quite match your needs, your insurance broker can help explore alternative options.

Winterize Your Home 

Baby, it’s cold outside! Ensure your home is winter-ready. Check that everything is functioning safely to avoid cold-weather damage. Are your roof, trees, heating, and plumbing in top shape? Set up an annual plan to prep your home, especially if you’re planning a holiday getaway.

Inventory Check 

As the year concludes, compile a detailed list of personal belongings and consider photographing valuables. This proactive step can simplify future claims and provide crucial documentation.

Meet With Your Insurance Advisor 

Amidst the holiday bustle, carve out time for a meeting with your insurance advisor. Discuss any renovations, new security measures, or family additions. Your broker will identify necessary changes to your insurance portfolio based on the past year’s events and ensure competitive pricing.

Insurance safeguards the meaningful aspects of our lives — family, home, belongings, and income. Invest time this season in following this checklist for peace of mind in 2024.

Ready to Ensure Your Peace of Mind? Contact Me Today!


Opinions expressed in this article are solely the author’s opinion. Not intended to provide the reader with legal or any other professional advice. Should you need advice or opinion, consult with a qualified professional to address your specific needs.

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