An Insurance Broker
Who Understands Your
Assets & Exposures
Jeff Bernard is an insurance broker at The Rampart Insurance Group, specializing in Construction and Real Estate.
He creates customized risk management solutions for high net-worth clients to help them avoid, reduce and better manage risk by identifying and evaluating exposures to both accidental losses and other business risks.
Does this sound like you?
You have no idea who your insurance broker is
He/she’s been off the grid for too long, and you know this is a red flag.
You haven’t reviewed your insurance costs in over a year
Lost track of costs? This is not your fault. It’s just a symptom of a poorly dedicated broker.
You haven’t reviewed your insurance costs in over a year
Lost track of costs? This is not your fault. It’s just a symptom of a poorly dedicated broker.
You have a cookie-cutter insurance policy that doesn’t meet your needs.
Insurance is not a one-size-fits-all. You are a unique individual, with unique needs and they should be properly reflected with your tailor-made insurance.